Illustration by Dianne Rome Peebles
Men's Current Record
Name of Angler: Richard Price
Hometown: Decatur, Ga.
Weight: 46 lbs. 7 oz.
Total Length: 42 inches
Date of Catch: Nov. 23, 1986
Bait or Lure Used: Cut Bait
Type of Fishing: Charter Boat ("Miss Judy II," Capt. Judy Helmey)
Location of Catch: Artificial Reef KC
Name of Weigh Station: Roy Tinsley, Atlanta, Ga.
Women's Current Record
Name of Angler: Sandra Price
Hometown: Decatur, Ga.
Weight: 38 lbs. 13 1/2 oz.
Total Length: 39 3/4 inches
Date of Catch: Nov. 23, 1986
Bait or Lure Used: Cut Bait
Type of Fishing: Charter Boat ("Miss Judy II," Capt. Judy Helmey)
Location of Catch: Artificial Reef KC
Name of Weigh Station: Roy Tinsley, Atlanta, Ga.