Recreational Trails Program


The Recreational Trails Program is a federal grant program funded by the Federal Highway Administration and administered at the state level by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources. The purpose of RTP is to support recreational trails and trail-related facilities for both nonmotorized and motorized recreational trail uses. Eligible applicants include qualified local governments, authorized commissions, and state and federal agencies. 

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2023-2024 Funding Cycle Announcement

The Georgia Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is pleased to announce the 2023-2024 funding cycle for the Recreational Trails Program.

2023-2024 RTP Trail Projects Selected Press Release

All eligible applicants must complete a pre-application online. Following the competitive pre-application phase, successful pre-applicants will be invited to complete a second-level application. Applicants may submit pre-applications for both the Georgia Outdoor Stewardship Program and Recreational Trails Program, but applications must be for separate projects. The Recreational Trails Program is a federal grant program funded by the Federal Highway Administration and administered by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources. RTP provides funding for trail construction, trail maintenance, and trail education. Eligible applicants include qualified local governments (as determined by the Department of Community Affairs), authorized commissions, and state and federal agencies. Nongovernmental entities with IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status may apply for education funds only.

Upcoming Grant Application Timeline

  • April 1, 2024 - Successful Pre-applicants invited to start Second-level Applications
  • May 31, 2024 - Second-level Application period closes
  • Final approval of Projects anticipated

RTP Workshops

DNR Grants Staff will conduct two webinar-based Educational Workshops, covering the highlights of the Program and offering training on the application process. These workshops will be at no cost to the public, but we do ask that you register below. Each webinar will be limited to 100 logins to accommodate effective question and answer opportunities.

If you have any questions or need additional information, contact Ouicia Jolly at or 404-463-1779.

2023-2024 Grant Cycle Tutorial Videos (Nonmotorized)

Module 1: 2023 Funding Cycle Overview for Recreational Trails Program and Georgia Outdoor Stewardship Program (more information about GOSP)
Module 2: General Overview of RTP
Module 3: RTP Funding
Module 4: Pre-application Process and Criteria
Module 5: Second Level Application & Grant Management
Module 6:Tips for Success for GADNR Grant Applications


2023-2024 Recreational Trails Program (Georgia Off-Highway Vehicle) Tutorial Video

The webinar includes:

Motorized Project Types
Funding Basics
Pre-Application and Criteria

For more information on the overview of the RTP program, Second-level application, Grant management, and Tips for a successful application review the nonmotorized tutorial videos above.


Recreational Trail Program Previous Grant Cycle Recipients

Augusta Canal Authority-Canal Single-track Mountain Bike Rehabilitation - $33,100.00
Town of Braselton-Mulberry Riverwalk Rehabilitation-Phase 2 $200,000.00
City of Cedartown- Silver Comet Accessibility Improvements and Rehabilitation Project $134,505.00
City of Leesburg-Central Prak Recreational Trail $200,000.00
City of Thomasville-Thomasville Community Trail-Phase 4 $110,500.00
Union City-Highway 29 Walking Trail $149,931.00
Columbus Consolidated Government- Dinglewood Park Trail $200,000.00
Bartow County- Mountain Bike Trail at wilderness Camp Greenspace $200,000.00
Gilmer County- Carters Lake Mountain Bike & Hiking Trail, Ridgeway Recreation Area $78,774.00
Harris County-Ellerslie Park Trails $49,000.00
Lumpkin County-Yahoola Creek Trails $62,424.00


Advisory Committee

A committee of individuals interested in Georgia trails program to advise staff on policy issues. The committee is required to meet once a year. The meetings are open to the public. 

The current members of the committee are listed below:


John Devine, Georgia Bikes

Off-Road Vehicle Users

Paul Beck, Georgia Bounty Runners 4 Wheel Drive Club

Bruce Dreher, Georgia Recreational Trail Riders Association


Randy Brown, Back Country Horsemen of North Georgia

Debbie Crowe, Chattahoochee Trail Horse Association

Water Trail Users

Dan MacIntyre, Georgia Canoe Association

Andrea White, Georgia River Network

Hiking, Jogging, Fitness (Pedestrian) Users

Greta DeMayo, Fulton County

Carlton E. Harris, Lumpkin County

O'Ree Crittenden, Muscogee County

Carolyn Hartfield, Hartfield's Hikers, OPALS (Older People with Active Lifestyles), Atlanta African American Adventures


Georgia Trails Education Grant

Our grants specialists administer the Georgia Trails Education Grants to promote trail safety and environmental protection. At this time we are accepting proposals for the 2025 education grant funds. The funds are available for a period of one year and must be utilized for the project within that timeframe. Projects must have a direct relationship with a recreational trail or trails. The projects can include education programs and/or the production of trail-related educational material (displays, print, video, audio, interactive computer displays, etc.)

For more details or to submit a proposal, contact Ouicia Jolly at or 404.463.1779.

RTP Application Resources

Georgia Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan: SCORP 2022-2026

Georgia State Wildlife Action Plan: SWAP 2015-2025

Contact Us

Stacy Garnier, RTP Grants Specialist

404.463.1030 | 

Ouicia Jolly, RTP Grants Manager
404-463-1779 |